Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Web 2.0

So I've been thinking about the relatively new phrase on the internet "Web 2.0". It really is an interesting concept, and it makes sense. But I find it a little humorous that this new phrase was coined with this simple concept. And it really is a simple concept, user interaction with your website. The degree of which can vary quite a bit, but still the idea remains the same. But wasn't that what the web was all about to begin with? Users interacting and the exchange of ideas. I think the only thing that has really changed in this "Web 2.0" world is how easily the exchange or transfer of ideas has become.

For instance, this blog; which you may be reading on Blogger or Facebook, or a variety of other social networks and blogging sites. The Web 2.0 part is that I can post this once and have it update all over the web on my various profiles. Heck, you (if you read this) could not even be logging into Blogger or Facebook, but reading this from your Outlook or import it to your own website via the RSS Feed.

I think the idea has always been there, it just hasn't been implemented to the extent that is now, and nobody really thought of it as it's own thing before this phrase came along. What I really find interesting is how this will continue to evolve into new applications of interaction on the web. Even in the last year, very new implementations of this have taken off and have already become accepted standards on the web. IE: Facebook's Apps. There are thousands of Apps now on Facebook and even Myspace (the monstrosity that it is) picked up the idea. And what I find even more interesting is there are now websites that all they do is rate and generate statistics on Facebook apps, such as:

Who knows where we will go next. The possibilities are endless.

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